A bill recently introduced in the House of Representatives would bring some big changes to the United States immigration system. If you or a loved one are planning to immigrate or you are currently in the country on some type of visa, you may want to learn more about this legislation, which is called “The Dignity Act.” If you have any questions about how this bill or any other legislation could affect your prospects of becoming an American citizen, a skillful NYC family immigration attorney from our firm may be able to help.
Who Introduced the The Dignity Act?
This bill is a bipartisan piece of legislation introduced by Democratic and Republican representatives. Representative María Salazar, a Republican from Florida, and Representative Veronica Escobar, a Democrat from Texas, hope that this bill can help address some of the immigration issues facing the country now that Title 42 has expired.
What is in This Immigration Legislation?
The Dignity Act has a few primary planks that are meant to address the concerns of Republican and Democratic politicians. This act would:
Allow illegal immigrants to work: If an immigrant is in the country illegally and working, they would still be allowed to work without fear of deportation.
Dock pay of workers without legal status: Workers without legal status will be able to keep working, but their pay would be docked due to their status. The money taken out of their check would help fund border infrastructure and security.
Speed up the amnesty process: There are many people applying for asylum, so this legislation would seek to improve the process and make it easier to approve or disapprove people at a faster rate.
Establish five “humanitarian campuses” for asylum seekers: While they wait to be approved, asylum seekers who have arrived through the southern border would be kept at these humanitarian campuses.
Create a path to citizenship: The Dignity Act would also give illegal immigrants a two-part, 12-year path toward legal citizenship.
Will The Dignity Act Become Law?
We are not sure if the Democratic-led Senate will take up this bill. Another piece of legislation, one with a focus on border enforcement introduced by Republicans, recently passed the House and the Senate has yet to address it. Perhaps this bill will have a better chance of being put up for debate thanks to its bipartisan origins and support.
Do You Need a New York City Immigration Lawyer?
Our law firm is always keeping a close eye on the government and any changes to immigration laws. If you or a loved one have any questions about living or working in this country, we are here to help you. Please contact the Law Office of Cheryl R. David and schedule an appointment today.