At the Consulate interview, the Consulate officers are going to go over both your documentation and the application to make sure you actually qualify for the visa that you’ve applied for. You want to make sure you’re understanding what the application said, and make sure to have all documents that they recommend on the Consulate website. It’s really important to be prepared for your interview, because you don’t want to go back another day or have missing documents and have to postpone your visa. Please go over the website, go over the documents that were submitted in support of your application in order to be prepared. If you have questions related to what you need to do in terms of preparing for your Consulate interview, either the interview itself and what documents are necessary, please contact my office and we’d be happy to go over it with you.
Cheryl David is an experienced immigration attorney in the New York City area. Contact her20 for a free initial evaluation regarding any questions you may have about immigration procedures and policies.