If you have obtained a Green Card, you may still have a lot of questions regarding what you can and can’t do with your status. Many people worry that they cannot leave the country with a Green Card. This is not the case. You may be eligible to leave the country, as long as you are eligible to do so. Read on to learn more about the eligibility requirements and how you can apply for the necessary documents.
Who is Eligible?
In order to travel outside of the country, you will need a few documents. The two types of travel documents that are necessary are a refugee travel document and a re-entry permit. You will be able to apply for these documents if you are living in the country for more than one year. A refugee travel document can be issued to an individual that was granted refugee or asylum status or obtained a Green Card because they were once a refugee or asylee.
A re-entry permit allows a permanent or conditional permanent resident to apply for admission to the country after they return from another country without the need for a returning resident visa. But, there are certain requirements when it comes to obtaining this permit. In order to do so, you must:
- Be a lawful permanent resident or conditional permanent resident
- Be physically in the United States when they file the application
- Plans to be outside of the country for one year or more
How to Apply
In order to apply for these documents, the permanent resident is required to fill out and file specific applications. The process for doing so includes the following:
- Complete the Form I-131, the Application for Travel Document
- Submit the filing fee, amounts range depending on the age of the applicant
- Submit evidence and documentation for the Form I-131
- Sign and file the form at the correct filing location according to the instructions on the form
This can be a complicated process, so it is best to speak with an experienced immigration attorney to ensure that all goes smoothly. Reach out to our firm today with any questions or concerns.
Contact Our New York City Immigration Lawyers
Our law firm can explain all the opportunities associated with fiancé visas and help you through the entire procedure, as well as discuss whether this is a good option. For an initial consultation with a skilled immigration lawyer, contact the Law Office of Cheryl R. David in New York.