When you apply for a green card because you have found employment in the United States, it is a very exciting time but it can understandably also be very confusing. There is a lot of paper work to deal with and you are also trying to begin life in a new country that you may be totally unfamiliar with. An experienced immigration attorney can help guide you through the process of applying for an employment green card.
Due to the fact alone that so many people are applying for these green cards but there are not an equal amount available to give out, you should be aware that you may be put on a wait list. Each year, the United States only approves 140,000 visas for the purposes of employment. However, far more than 140,000 people apply for them.
Some of the factors that have a tendency to influence how long you will end up waiting for an employment-based green card include what type of employment you are trying to come to the United States for, whether you filed for premium processing to expedite your application, and what country you are applying from. If the cap has been reached for the amount of green cards issued in the particular type of employment, you may have to wait until next year. You will be able to check the status of your visa application to get a better grasp on where you stand in line.
If you need any assistance with your employment-based green card application, contact an experienced immigration law attorney today.
The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please contact the office to discuss your circumstances and options.