Obtaining a Green Card is a lengthy process that results in a foreign individual becoming a permanent resident in the United States. While the idea is grand, physically speaking, it is just a simple card. This can make it easy to lose. However, individuals with a Green Card are required to keep it on them at all times. It is because of this that losing the card can cause quite a panic. While this is true, it is important to know that it is possible to obtain a new one. Continue reading and reach out to an experienced New York immigration attorney to learn more.
How Do I Replace a Green Card?
When a Green Card is lost, it can be replaced by filling out a Form I-90. This can either be done through an online application or the mail. The document requires the individual to fill out a great deal of information, including their name, mailing address, date of birth, signature, and more. If the applicant does not have an online account, they can submit a paper application and the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) can create one for them once the application is received.
Once this is done, the USCIS will send the applicant an Account Acceptance Notice. This includes instructions on how they can access a USCIS online account. With the account, the applicant is able to pay their filing fee, check the status of their application, receive notifications and updates about their case, and manage their information.
What Do I Need to Replace a Green Card?
If a Green Card has been lost, destroyed, or stolen, applicants are required to provide certain information in order to receive a new one. This can be done with a copy of their Permanent Resident Card. This includes their name, date of birth, photograph, and signature. If the card was issued to them but not received, the applicant can submit a government-issued form of identification that includes the same information. This must be done in conjunction with a copy of their latest Form I-797, Notice of Action, or a copy of the page in their passport with an I-551 stamp if they were admitted as an immigrant.
What Does a New Green Card Cost?
In order to get a Green Card replaced, the applicant is required to pay the $455 filing fee as well as a possible $85 biometric services fee. However, if the card was issued but never received, they will not have to pay the filing fee. This is also the case if the existing card has incorrect information because of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mistake. If the Form I-90 was filed by mail, the applicant can pay the fee with a money order, cashier’s check, personal check, or with a credit card through a Form G-1450. Individuals who pay by check must make it out to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Contact our Firm
The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. Immigration is a sensitive issue, which is why you should consider a compassionate, experienced, and aggressive immigration attorney who will guide you every step of the way. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please do not hesitate to contact our office to discuss your circumstances and options.