Citizenship can be a very confusing process, as many matters related to immigration are. Therefore, it is important to retain the services of an experienced immigration attorney who can help guide you through and answer any questions you may have that are specific to your situation. One common question that many spouses of U.S. citizens have is how they, too, can become a citizen. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, you can apply for naturalization if you meet certain qualifications.
First, you must be a permanent resident with a green card for a minimum of three years prior. During those three years, you must have been living with and married to your current U.S. citizen spouse. Throughout that three year period, you must have been physically present in the United States for at least 18 months. You must be able to pass English and Civics exams, which require you to display your knowledge of the following:
- U.S. government
- U.S. history
- Reading, writing, and speaking English
There are some exceptions to these tests depending on age and special needs, which your immigration attorney may inform you of if they apply to you. Additionally, you must be able to prove that you are of good moral character, that you are 18 years or older, among other things. If you need assistance determining your eligibility for citizenship, contact our firm today.
The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please contact the office to discuss your circumstances and options.