There is nothing our firm wants more than seeing our clients become United States citizens. To learn more about the naturalization process, reach out to our firm today. Our skilled naturalization lawyers in New York City are on your side.
Am I eligible for naturalization?
Naturalization is the process of becoming a United States citizen. You will want to recognize that there are several requirements that an individual must meet in order to be granted citizenship. To be eligible, you must:
- Be capable of communicating through reading, writing, and speaking basic English
- Demonstrate that you are committed to the principles and ideals of the U.S. Constitution
- Maintain a satisfactory understanding of the United States government and history
- Take an oath of allegiance to the United States
- Be at least 18 years of age, and a permanent resident for at least 5 years
- Prove continued residence in the United States for at least 5 years before the date of filing Form N-400
- Prove to have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the 5 years before filing Form N-400
- Have lived for at least 3 months in the state or USCIS district where you apply.
- Show that you are a person of good moral character.
What are the advantages of becoming a United States citizen?
Once you are granted citizenship in the United States, you are offered many rights and responsibilities. Some of these rights and responsibilities include the following:
- The right to vote
- The ability to travel with a U.S. passport
- Bring family members to the United States
- Obtain citizenship for children who are younger than 18 years old
- Apply for federal jobs, because many of these jobs will require citizenship
- Become an elected official. This is one of the highest honors and responsibilities a person can have, and it can only be obtained through U.S. citizenship.
- Keep your residency. Once you are a citizen, you cannot be removed.
- Qualify for certain federal grants and scholarships
- Acquire government benefits
- Serve on a jury. Jury service is one of the exemplary aspects of citizenship, and by serving, you help support the democratic process that the United States so favorably treasures.
Do not wait to reach out to one of our experienced naturalization lawyers in New York City. to learn more about the naturalization process. Our legal team is prepared to help you achieve your dream of becoming a United States citizen.
Contact Our New York City Immigration Lawyers
Our law firm can explain all the opportunities associated with fiancé visas and help you through the entire procedure, as well as discuss whether this is a good option. For an initial consultation with a skilled immigration lawyer, contact the Law Office of Cheryl R. David in New York.