The Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was created to shield young undocumented immigrants from deportation. It was issued by President Obama in 2012 after the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act did not pass several times. The recipients of DACA are often referred to as “Dreamers.” In September of 2017, President Trump ordered an end to the DACA program.
After the Trump administration ordered an end to the program, different lawsuits were filed against the matter. Two federal appellate courts ruled against the administration and allowed previous DACA recipients to renew their deferred action. The Supreme Court agreed to review these legal challenges to see if President Trump has the authority to reverse DACA. Lawmakers, activists, and White House officials are anticipating the Supreme Court to allow the Trump administration to end the DACA program within the coming weeks. However, while the Supreme Court’s set deadline was this month, the current tumultuous environment of the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to postpone this decision.
While this is true, no one is expecting President Trump to immediately end the program in the event that this happens. Instead, he is expected to slow down the program instead. When President Trump originally announced his intent to end the program, he offered a six-month wind-down period. This was designed to allow Congress time to pass legislation that makes the program permanent. The announcement came within a year of promising to deport millions of migrants who arrived in the United States illegally.
As of now, a decision regarding the matter has yet to be made and President Trump can still decide to make a deal regarding immigration with the Democratic party if he is elected for a second term or he may end the DACA program immediately. Continue to check back here to keep up with information regarding the potential termination of DACA.
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The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. Immigration is a sensitive issue, which is why you should consider a compassionate, experienced, and aggressive immigration attorney who will guide you every step of the way. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please do not hesitate to contact our office to discuss your circumstances and options.