As individuals enter America for various reasons, they have the prospect of citizenship on their minds. For these individuals, being a citizen of the United States could have been a lifelong goal. There are many reasons as to why people want to become a citizen. They may wish to bring their families here from overseas or start a whole life in America. As these individuals continue on as permanent residents, they consider the possibility every day. It can help America feel even more like home. At our firm, we understand your desire. We want to help you gain access to becoming a citizen. We will do our best to represent your best interests and guide you through this exciting time.
How can an attorney help me with this process?
At our firm, we will work to ensure that all the guidelines have been met in order for you to be granted naturalization. We will pour over all the required documentation and search your background to make sure there are no restrictions. Our firm will examine any criminal convictions that may prevent you from being granted citizenship or put you at risk of removal proceedings. This is to ensure that you will not be barred from reaching your goal.
To become a naturalized citizen, you may have to pass certain tests. If you are 55 years of age or older or have lived in the U.S. for over 20 years, we will work to get a waiver for the citizenship test or language requirements that may be a part of the standard process. If your original visa was based on a marriage or job, we will ensure that it is not threatened due to a divorce or employment problems.
As professional attorneys, we know what signs to look for when you are applying to become a naturalized citizen. We can also check to consider the effects of any extended travel you did abroad during your residency in the United States. This is another factor that may influence naturalization. Our legal professionals can also look into resolving any tax problems prior to your application process. We can identify grounds for claiming derivative citizenship or acquired citizenship based on family circumstances.
Our firm has handled many cases where an individual has desired to become a citizen of the United States. With our experience, we can get you through the paperwork more efficiently. We know what to look for in terms of red flags for these cases. Our help can give you the push you need to be granted naturalization. Contact us today for a consultation.
The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please contact the office to discuss your circumstances and options.