This week, the state of Texas endured a devastating hurricane that resulted in floods and evacuations. One of the biggest concerns was for those living in the city of Houston who needed to evacuate their homes and get to shelters. A false rumor was going around Twitter and throughout the city stating that area shelters were checking immigration papers and would only let people with legal documents to enter.
These rumors were putting lives at risks because undocumented immigrants who needed to evacuate were afraid to leave their homes as they flooded rapidly. However, the Mayor of Houston quickly combated that rumor and announced that all individuals would be welcomed into these shelters and that no immigration papers would be checked at the door. Other organizations such as Federal Emergency Management Agency announced that immigration organizations such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection would not be raiding shelters or food banks to look for undocumented immigrants.
Over 30,000 people were expected to seek shelter at the assistance centers throughout Houston. The city made it clear that they did not want anyone to be denied help during this devastating time simply because of their immigration status.
If you or your loved ones need legal assistance for immigration matters in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, please contact an experienced immigration attorney who can provide you with assistance.
The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please contact the office to discuss your circumstances and options.