Last year, New York State published information regarding the Worker Exploitation Task Force, that aims to make sure all workers in the state are receiving necessary payments and are being treated fairly, regardless of immigration status. In a recent Op-Ed by Governor Cuomo, he outlined the steps this program has taken to protect laborers from being exploited throughout the state.
In his article, Gov. Cuomo explains that the program has conducted 700 investigations that resulted in the recovery of $10 million in wages for 15,489 workers throughout the state. In the initial Worker Exploitation Task Force document from last year, the Governor indicated that there will be a process established that allows state organizations to issue certifications and endorsements for U Visas and T Visas. These will assist undocumented immigrants who have been victims of severe crimes in obtaining temporary legal status, as long as they assist law enforcement in investigations of the crime. In many of these situations, immigrants do not have legal representation, although it is important. To remedy this issue, law enforcement agencies may refer those without an attorney to the Office for New Americans where they can obtain Legal Counsels.
If you are trying to obtain a legal immigrant status and do not have legal representation, call our office to set up a consultation where we can assess what options are best for your situation.
The Law Offices of Cheryl R. David practices immigration law throughout NYC. If you have questions about your particular matters regarding immigration please contact the office to discuss your circumstances and options.